Tuesday, March 17, 2020
The Sheffield Park Hotel Essays
The Sheffield Park Hotel Essays The Sheffield Park Hotel Essay The Sheffield Park Hotel Essay Customer service can be a useful tool for increasing business as it can help your customer feel more appreciated. They will therefore make ohter people aware for your business by giving them good positive feedback and encouraging them to use the hotel themselves goods customer service will also encourage customers to return to the in the future. Report of Sheffield park hotel. Sheffield park hotel is a 4 star hotel in the south of sheffield situated on the A61 Chesterfield Rd south. There are 95 rooms in the hotel and it is close to the peak district and within easy reach of chatsworth house and also near to the meadow hall shopping centre.The hotel is within a few miles of the major M1 motorway. There are ohter attractions near to the hotel in duding a traditional museum which comprises a fascinating collection of artefacts housed in small reconstructed workshop representing typical local trades. A mong the facilities that sheffield park hotel offers are free parking,a child friendly policy,a health and fitness club, newly refurbished restaurant and a cocktail bar called the huntsman bar.In the sheffield park hotel comes a lot of differents customers some of them comes for the business and some are weekend travelers and some come only for the peak district and most are tourists and they come from far away to have a look in sheffield and most of them staty in Sheffield Park hotel because it is a nice hotel with a very good customer service and also offer many fa cilities to the tourists. Not all the customers stay at the hotel but they also enjoy the restaurants or the Huntsman bar which is nice for people who just want to have fun and enjoy themselves.P3.How does the organisation deal with complaints? Customers are essential to every hotel because their payments are the income, or revenue of the hotel. Without customers he sfeffield park hotel would eventually close down. When the customers buy goods or services they expect them to be good quality. The more they pay the better quality they expect. The customer also expect staff to give prompt attention and service, be polite and helpfull to concentrade on their specific needs offer extra services that will help them. The purpose of customer service is to fulfill their expectations make them feel important and provide a rangeof services which will meet their needs both now and in the future.Providing information. The type of information required by customers can wory. It is foubtful if any customoer service assistant could answer every possible query immediately and most customers realise his. The main point is how the query is deatt with.a friendly smile, a promise to find out quickly is for more important than being a walking encyclopedia.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
How to Do Logging in C# With Log4net
How to Do Logging in C# With Log4net When you write computer code in C#, its a good idea to include logging code. That way, when something goes wrong, you know where to start looking. The Java world has been doing this for years. You can use log4net for this purpose. It is part ofà Apache log4jà 2, a popular open-source logging framework. This isnt the only .NET logging framework; there are many. However, the Apache name is trusted and the original Java logging framework has been around for more thanà 15 years. Why Use a Log4net Logging Framework? When an application or server crashes, you are left wondering why. Was it a hardware failure, malware, maybe a Denial of Service attack, or some odd combination of keys that manages to bypass all your code checks? You just dont know. You need to find out why a crash occurred so it can be corrected. With logging enabled, you might be able to seeà why it happened. Getting Started Download the log4netà file from the Apache log4net website. Verify the integrity of the downloaded files using the PGP signature or MD5 checksums. The checksums are not as strong indicators as the PGP signature. Using Log4net Log4net supports seven levels of logging from none to all in increasing priority. These are: OFFFATALERRORWARNINFODEBUGALL The higher levels include all the lower ones. When debugging, using DEBUGà shows all, but on production, you might only be interested in FATAL. This choice can be made at the component level programmatically or in an XML Config file. Loggers and Appenders Forà flexibility, log4net uses loggers, appenders, and layouts. A logger is an object that controls logging and is an implementation of the ILog interface, which specifies five boolean methods: isDebugEnabled, IsInfoEnabled, IsWarnEnabled, IsErrorEnabled and IsFatalEnabled. It also specifies the five methods- Debug, Info, Warn, Error andFatal- along with overloads and five formatted string versions. You can see the full ILog interface in the log4net online manual. Loggers are assigned one of the levels but not ALL or OFF, only the other five. Appenders control where the logging goes. It can be into a database, to an in-memory buffer, to the console, to a remote host, to a text file with rolling logs, the Windows Event Log, or even to email via SMTP. There are 22à appenders in all, and they can be combined so you have plenty of choices. Appenders are appended (hence the name) to a logger. Appendersà filter events by matching substrings, event level, range of levels and start of the logger name. Layouts Finally, there are seven layouts that can be associated with an Appender. These control how the events message is logged and can include exception text, timestamp layouts, and XML elements. Configuring With XML Although configuring can be done programmatically, it can also be done with XML Config files. Why would you prefer config files over code changes? Simple, its far easier to have a support guy make a change to a config file than have to get a programmer to change code, test and redeploy a new version. So config files are the way to go. The simplest possible path is to addà App.config your project, as shown inà the example below: ?xml version1.0 encodingutf-8 ?configurationà à configSectionsà à à à section namelog4net typelog4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler,Log4net/à à /configSectionsà à log4netà à à à rootà à à à à à level valueDEBUG/à à à à à à appender-ref refLogFileAppender /à à à à /rootà à à à appender nameLogFileAppender typelog4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender à à à à à à file value log.txt/à à à à à à appendToFile valuetrue /à à à à à à rollingStyle valueSize /à à à à à à maxSizeRollBackups value5 /à à à à à à maximumFileSize value10MB /à à à à à à staticLogFileName valuetrue /à à à à à à layout typelog4net.Layout.PatternLayoutà à à à à à à à conversionPattern value%d [%t] %-5p %c %m%n /à à à à à à /layoutà à à à /appenderà à /log4net/configuration The log4net online documentation explains all the config file fields. à Having set up App.config, add using log4net and this line: [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(Watch true)] Plus the actual logger has to be fetched with a call to LogManager.GetLogger(...). The GetLogger is usually called with the typeof(class) that its used in, but this function call also fetches that: System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType This example shows both in with one commented, so you can choose.à using log4net;[assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(Watch true)]namespace gvmake{à à à à class Programà à à à {à à à à à à à à private static readonly ILog log LogManager.GetLogger (System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType) ;à à à à à à à à //private static readonly ILog log LogManager.GetLogger(typeof (Program)) ;à à à à à à à à static void Main(string[] args)à à à à à à à à {à à à à à à à à à à à à log.Debug(Application Starting) ;à à à à à à à à }à à à à }}
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